5 Easy Ways To Start Saving Money

Okay, we’re doing it. We’re talking about cash mOnEy. Not just money though, but 5 easy ways to start saving money.

*Que The Apprentice theme song*

We live in a world that is run by money. And if we don’t learn how to manage money, then money will manage us. Being managed by money SUCKS –  Living paycheck to paycheck, being in debt, not having enough money to do fun stuff – Does anyone enjoy this?

Definitely not. Yet, most people in the U.S. are managed by their money. This can be in the form of time, dreams, goals, etc. In other words, when money manages us, it strips us of our freedom. 

And what’s the opposite of freedom? Slavery. So if we continue to mismanage our money, we voluntarily become slaves to the very thing that is giving us grief. This can happen when we allow society to tell us we need this and we need that, instead of having enough self-control to say “hold the phone…. No, I don’t actually need that”. 

Am I coming on too strong? – Probably. But in the words of Donald Trump, this is huge. Don’t we want to be people who are FREE of financial burdens? Don’t we want to be people who can say YES to generosity? The dream trip, job, or vacation?

If we want to be empowered to say YES to these types of opportunities, then we must first learn how to manage our money and take control of our finances. But, how?

  1. Put our middle fingers up to consumerism
  2. Embrace minimalism
  3. Learn to budget/save/invest

Throwing the Bird

Putting our middle fingers up to consumerism doesn’t mean we stop purchasing things. It simply means practicing delayed gratification and asking ourselves whether the item we desire is something we actually need or if it’s only something we simply want. The ability to control our desires and say no is self-control. And it’s a beautiful thing.

Embracing Minimalism

Embracing minimalism means looking to quality rather than quantity. Less is more. If we can embrace this mindset in regards to our spending, I guarantee that it will begin to spill over into other aspects of life. And over time, it will set us free. 

Ball on a Budget

Developing a budget is the real game changer. Most of us don’t know how much we spend each month, let alone know where that money is going. 

Last year, Seth and I found ourselves spending everything we made each month. We weren’t buying a lot of things or going on grand vacations. We felt like we had #1 and #2 pretty well covered. Yet we were still overspending. We were so confused and frustrated! We asked ourselves the question: “Where is all of our money going?” Since we couldn’t answer the question, we started budgeting. We were absolutely shocked to find that in October 2020 we spent $1,300 on groceries… and that doesn’t include what we spent eating out! Guys – for a family of 2 that is insane!! 

This is what I’m talking about. If it weren’t for our budget, we would have had no idea what our lifestyle was costing us. It’s impossible to keep track of each and every transaction in our heads. It adds up sooo quickly! It’s scary. 

Determine the difference between needs and wants. Then, develop a budget. Then, do everything it takes to stick to that budget. The goal here is simple: Tell your money where to go & spend less than you make. 

If you’re reading this and feel overwhelmed, be encouraged by the fact that you don’t have to make six figures in order to be financially free. You just have to be good at managing the money you have and by extension – your wants/needs! 

I know that getting started is the hardest part! So let me share 5 easy ways to start saving money.

5 Easy Ways To Start Saving Money

—– Not tomorrow, but TODAY!!!!

Practice Delayed Gratification

When you find an item you want, wait one week before purchasing. Give yourself time to determine:

  • How badly you want it
  • Whether you can afford it
  • And whether or not it’s worth the money

Grocery Shop With a Purpose

Plan out your meals and go to the grocery store with a list. This will help keep you on task and will limit your browsing the aisles for whatever catches your eye. 

Eat Out Less

This is the fastest way to burn through cash. It’s insane how easy it is to spend $50 eating out and walk away with nothing but a full belly. Which if you haven’t realized yet, is a very temporary satisfaction. It’s especially insane when you realize that $50 can buy a week’s worth of organic produce at the store. Save eating out for special treats and occasions and you’ll appreciate it so much more! 


Lotions, soaps, salad dressing, dips, hummus, etc. 

All of these items are sold for much more than they actually cost because you’re helping pay for the packaging and manpower that got them to you. If you’re willing to put in a little extra time before enjoying these things, you’ll have more money and be healthier for it in the long run. Quick Tip: Don’t buy your veggies pre-chopped from Trader Joe’s. Chop your own veggies the old fashioned way…. With a knife & a cutting board. It’s really easy! 

Stop Treating Yourself Every Time You Have A Bad Day Or Have Time Off

Want an iced coffee while you shop? Make your own and bring it with you. 

Want cute painted toenails? Paint them yourself. 

Want something sweet? Bake it yourself. 

Dig Deeper – Final Thoughts

One thing that has really helped me on my quest to financial independence is the realization that no thing will ever satisfy me. It’s great if you can start to follow these 5 ways to start saving money, but personal satisfaction and fulfillment is so much deeper than anything your money can buy you. Get some insight into my journey here

If you want to dive a little deeper on the topic of frugality and financial freedom, check out Seth’s website www.thefrugalfeline.com – he breaks frugality down in a much more sophisticated way. 

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